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This chapter details out the research methodology for the present study. It explains the research objectives and a suitable methodology to achieve those objectives. The objectives of this study were to identify and explore the project specific risk dimensions affecting the software projects in India. This involved an exhaustive study of the demographic characteristics and details of the projects handled by the respondents; exploration of the risk dimensions, and then comparison of these dimensions across the various personal and project characteristics. Second, was the identification and exploration of the organizational climate dimensions that are present in the Indian software companies. This was done by detecting the factors through field survey and comparing them across the demographics and project characteristics.
Pilot Study
The pilot study formed the pedestal for the research. It was conducted on 40 software project managers working in various software companies in NCR region. They were asked to list down the various risks that they have faced during the Software Development Lifecycle while Research Methodology Ph.D. Through, the pilot survey, a list of 23 project specific risk items were identified and used for the study. Furthermore, the project managers were also asked to identify and rate the organizational climate factors which they perceive were present during the execution of the software projects and based on their perception, a list of 17 items of organizational climate was obtained and used for the survey. Based on the findings of this pilot study, the survey instrument was designed. The detailed description of the instrument is discussed in section
Research Design
The exploratory and descriptive research design was adopted due to the nature of the study. Exploratory research provides insights into and comprehension of an issue or situation. Exploratory research is a type of research conducted because a problem has not been clearly defined. Exploratory research helps to determine the best research design, data collection method and selection of subjects. While descriptive research, also known as statistical research, describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research answers the questions who, what, where, when and how. Thus, on the basis of the above, the two research designs were appropriate for the present study as it was important to gauge the various project specific risks that impact the software projects and also understand the dynamics of organization’s climate on these software projects.
For effective and flawless data collection, survey, interview and case study methods were extensively used. Survey method is the most extensively used technique for data collection, especially in behavioral sciences [198], while interviews are an appropriate method to use when exploring practitioners perspectives due to the qualitative nature of the information [199]. Case study methods are used for an in-depth investigation of a single individual, group, or an event. It provides a systematic way of looking at events, collecting data, analyzing information, and reporting the results [200]. Thus, these methods have been widely used to extract the most relevant information and help in better analysis of the data.
Various Research Methodologies: Approaches & Techniques
Theoretical research
Theoretical research which largely relies on factual, verifiable data collected and based on firsthand information gathered from people in the form of interviews, questionnaire, discussions, surveys and many such group discussion forums.
Practical research
Practical research which largely depends on gathering historical information prewritten in books, archives, manuscripts etc. This information is primarily based on published works and gathered from libraries, journals etc.research methods thesis writing.
The methodology is of extreme importance
It shows the techniques scholars follow during the development of thesis research