Thesis Writing
We are a team of professionals who are quite specialized in providing all kinds of support to scholars during the whole process.

thesis defense presentation
The thesis defense presentation: The development of your thesis presentation is your first opportunity to showcase your work. Your presentation should be about one-half hour long and should concentrate on your findings and recommendations. A sample outline of your presentation might look like this: Goal/objectives of the research (2 min) Literature review/theoretical framework (5 min) Methodology (5 min) Findings (10 min) & recommendations (5 min)
Development of the slides
The information we get you include in your slides helps to formulate the flow of the presentation. Your slides are intended to provide an outline of what you would like to say and should not include, word for word, your presentation. Short, concise, summary statements will make the most impact with your audience.
Include only key words or phrases on the slides for your presentation. This will help your audience concentrate on you, not on your slides. Include diagrams, picture, graphs, charts etc. are always helpful. In the case of your thesis defense it can help you share key pieces of information in a visually stimulating manner.
PPTs impress your professors and colleagues
Thesis PPT
Practice your presentation at home. This will help increase your comfort level with the slides and speakers notes, the timing of each piece of your presentation and allow you to remain within the recommended time for the presentation.
Audience Concentration
Diagrams, picture, graphs, charts etc. are always helpful. In the case of your thesis defense it can help you share key pieces of information in a visually stimulating manner.
PPT Presentation is your opportunity to showcase your Research
This will help increase your comfort level with the slides and speakers notes, the timing of each piece of your presentation and allow you to remain within the recommended time for the presentation.