Thesis Writing
We are a team of professionals who are quite specialized in providing all kinds of support to scholars during the whole process.

Plagiarism undermines scholarly research
It is common in thesis writing to put some else’s idea or work, with citing the source, and yet the plagiarism checking software such as Turnitin shows the texts are plagiarised. This is illegal? Of course, not! In thesis writing it generally happens so the acceptable report is around 85% originality and the rest is acceptable as it is necessary to put exact wording of scholars in order to support your research that you are correct or in the right direction. The safest and easiest way to avoid the risk of plagiarism, is knowing how to cite and reference correctly – we will do it on behalf of you.
According to the online version of Encyclopedia Britannica, plagiarism is among other things: “the act of taking the writings of another person and passing them off as one’s own. The fraudulence is closely related to forgery and piracy—practices generally in violation of copyright laws.” That's general understanding of plagiarism, but in the scholarly world – plagiarised works have no place as your works would though the Turnitin and you have to improve your research if works have so much similarity.
Plagiarism has terrible consequences
Scientific research is based on others’ knowledge and work, and regardless if it is used as secondary or primary sources, it is a matter of fairness. Fairness in this context means that the reader of your thesis should easily be able to distinguish your work from the work of others (citations, paraphrasings, summaries) If the boundaries are unclear in your thesis, you are not living up to the fairness requirement. This not only means that you are undermining the nature of scholarly research, but also that you are risking an annulment of your thesis, a loss of your scholarship, or perhaps an expulsion. Writing a research paper poses challenges in gathering literature and providing evidence for making your paper stronger.
Although the majority of scholars know that they are not permitted to plagiarise, every year students are found out again and again, and their assignments are annulled on grounds of plagiarism. In some instances, the plagiarism is downright cheating, e.g. an attempt at a speedy conclusion, yet sometimes a student mistakenly finds their way into plagiarism. This occurs when the student is unaware of what rules apply when referencing and citing.
We make sure your Thesis is all checked
Quotes to Indicate
Use quotes to indicate that the text has been taken from another paper. The quotes should be exactly the way they appear in the paper you take them from. If you would like to know more about patchwriting, quoting, paraphrasing and more, read the next article down below!
Plagiarism Checkers
We use various plagiarism detection tools such as for world level report, and for Indian level check – all to check for any inadvertent plagiarism in your thesis work.
We make sure that your thesis is only YOURS
Turnitin – Turnitin is the leading and the most commonly used tool for detecting plagiarism in reports like assignments, thesis, and dissertation.