Thesis Writing
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collecting thesis data
When collecting thesis data, there are numerous things to consider. First, we develop a good idea. Thesis ideas can come from many places. Doing a thorough library search in areas that interest you. Reading others' thesis. We don’t waste time in researching a topic you don't have an interest in. It's hard enough finishing a thesis you are interested in! After getting plenty of ideas, we develop a good question. A good question is one that can be answered by your research, oftentimes using empirical methods.
Success of conducting research depends over the result that is gained by the researcher at the end of the research. These attained results are affected by the used methods to conduct research. In this way, there are two type of methods are available to collect the data to reach at the result of the research such as primary data collection and secondary data collection method.
Selection of Method
Selection of the method to collect data depends on the nature of the research problems and used research approach. Along with this, researcher gives preferences to the method that is beneficial and easy to collected information. For example, if specific information is needed to solve the research problem for particular organization related to its employees or internal part of management than researcher prefers to use secondary data collection method. It becomes tough for the researcher to gather information through conducting interview and survey through questionnaire because of consuming more time and money.
It is tough to communicate directly with the respondents. So, in the presence of these conditions, secondary data collection method is used by the researcher. At the same time, if researcher wants to get reliable and factual results than primary data collection method is preferred by the researcher. Along with, to solve the general research issue, this type of data collection method is used by the researcher.
Primary Data Collection Method
All the data that are collected at first time are included under the primary data collection method. Three approaches or methods are comprised under the primary data collection method such as observation method, in-depth interview and survey through questionnaire. Under the primary data collection method, most of the researchers prefer to use direct communication with the respondents to reach at the result of the research. In observation method, data are collected by the researcher through observing response or activities of the targets and personally going in the field.
Along with this, through conducting in-depth interview and gaining oral-verbal response of the respondents, data are collected by the researcher. Under the interview, telephonic and personal both types of interview can be conducted by the researcher to gather the data. Along with this, survey through questionnaire is also available to collect the data. In this, through forming questions, responses of respondents are gained by the researcher.
Secondary Data Collection Method
Data that are collected on the basis of previous data or research is included under the secondary data collection method. In this way, several types of approaches can be used such as case study, documentation review, articles, projects, etc. In the case study approach of the secondary data collection method, researcher collects the data from annual reports, analyzed information which is available on web-sites of the particular organization. For collecting information under secondary collection method, published and unpublished sources are used by the researcher. Under the published source, report of the firm, government publications, newspaper, journals, etc. are used to gather the information. Researcher’s findings, unpublished material, unpublished findings of certain inquiry committees, etc. are used under the unpublished source to collect information.
Data Collection and Experimental Designs
Quantitative Methods
Quantitative data collection methods are based in mathematical calculations in various formats. Methods of quantitative data collection and analysis include questionnaires with closed-ended questions, methods of correlation and regression, mean, mode and median and others.
Qualitative Methods
Qualitative research methods, on the contrary, do not involve numbers or mathematical calculations. Qualitative research is closely associated with words, sounds, feeling, emotions, colours and other elements that are non-quantifiable.
data analysis help with our experts
Thesis can be rendered useless if major flaws are detected in analysis. To avoid such embarrassing moments, you need to seek dissertation data analysis help form our data analysis experts for thesis and research paper.