Thesis Writing
We are a team of professionals who are quite specialized in providing all kinds of support to scholars during the whole process.

UGC Approved Publication
Total 38,653 UGC Approved Journals 2019 List Based on Subjects/Topics, spreading across various academic fields. UGC follows a strict score-based system to include a journal in their list. If you would like to know where we will publish your journal. The journals are categorized subjects wise in journal list of UGC such as Science, Social Science, Arts & Humanities.
we will provide you the link so you can check it out! You will have to go through the journal list on UGC website in your field of research! You can even select an apt journal, based on content and coverage, readership, impact factor, and frequency of publication. Journals are the medium through which candidates publish their articles. These sources are made available through the UGC.
E E E Format & Style
First stage for publishing an IEEE paper is to do the research and draft it properly in IEEE paper format. We will let know about the complete details of the IEEE format of the paper and even you can check it out online! IEEE style is based on the Chicago Style. Scholars publish with IEEE for the heightened visibility, research activity, and industry credibility. IEEE continues to be the most cited publisher in the U.S. and European new technology patents.
Second stage is to provide you the details for an IEEE conference at which you will want to publish your work. The list of conferences will be provided just for your knowledge. IEEE has immense resources which can transform you from a student to a professional and bridge the gap between the academia and industry.
A publishable Article out of your Thesis
Writing the article
When writing the article consider your choice of ‘theoretical framework’ and ‘voice’. We are very much of what your article is about, and what it is trying to do. Finally you can ask your supervisor about the complete detail of article.
Selecting a journal
Selecting a journal is a very important step in planning the article. The journal we select is UGC approved and EEE Format, and target appropriate readership, be accredited and be accessible to your peers.
quality & reliability to look out for in a journal
When selecting your journal think about audience, purposes, what to write about and why. Decide the kind of article to write. Is it a report, position paper, critique or review? What makes your argument or research interesting? How might the paper add value to the field?